Tattooing a card on the arm of a biomechanist. Biomechanical Tattoo - Biomechanical Tattoo

Fashion & Style

Biomechanical tattoos, sketches, works of masters not only on the body, but also sketches on paper are considered a real work of art: this is a very painstaking work, and drawing requires not only great patience, but also great skill of the artist. In such tattoos, it is important to create not just a sketch of a beautiful tattoo, but it is extremely important to breathe life into it, make it realistic and alive.

Biomechanics in color on a guy's leg

Where did biomechanics come from?

XXI century, the century of technology, machines, scientific discoveries and iron gave birth new fashion on tattoos - biomechanics or cyberpunk. This style is characterized by the genre of realism. The theme of a tattoo, as a rule, is always the same: the continuation of a person as a machine or as a higher mind, with built-in microcircuits, iron rods instead of bones, wires instead of veins. As a rule, such scenes look like torn flesh through which mechanisms, gears, wires, control panels, microcircuits, buttons and chips can be seen. A biomechanical tattoo, the meaning of which is to show the connection between man and machine, can become a real work of art if it is done with high quality.

Despite the opinion that biomechanical tattoos, the photos of which we often see with men, are purely masculine, girls also often make similar drawings on their bodies. However, girls often prefer this kind of tattoo as steam punk - old mechanisms with gears prevail there.

Pistons on the leg, biomechanics tattoo

Varieties of biomechanical tattoos

  • Biomechanics itself... Tattoos where mechanisms are depicted as part of a person. Typically, the sketch is torn flesh through which the mechanical elements within the human body are visible.
  • Cyberpunk. Wires instead of veins, buttons and plugs are the main theme of this style. Unlike biomechanics, cyberpunk is not necessarily a body part with torn flesh. Sometimes it can be the usual image of a cat with wires, or an eye tattooed on the arm with gears.
  • Hi-tech style. The most "technical" style of all of the above. It is characterized by the image of chips, microcircuits, motherboards and other content of "smart" technology, which comes to life in tattoos and becomes a part of the human body.
  • Steam punk. This is a slightly isolated style and is not directly related to biomechanics, however, it is the closest relative of this direction. It is characterized by images of more outdated mechanisms, such as, for example, watches. This style inspires us with thoughts of the era of discovery, cartography, navigation and watchmaking.

Another biomechanics tattoo on the leg

I am a huge sci-fi fan and passionate about tattooing, so it comes as no surprise that I chose a biomechanical tattoo for myself. I have several of them: a rod in the leg instead of a bone, a torn shoulder with wires instead of muscles and a microcircuit in the wrist. And my girlfriend doesn't like it - it looks rude for her. She herself loves the steampunk genre more, well, I'm not surprised, it is certainly more romantic.

Maxim, Kostomuksha

Watch on the hand in the form of biomechanics

Biomechanics tattooing rules

Not every master is able to cope with such a tattoo. The fact is that the sketches are designed for maximum realism and extremely high detail. Working with color is also important: shadows, highlights and shades of colors play a huge role in these sketches, because thanks to these elements the drawing is able to "come to life", and only a "living" drawing can look like a real mechanism or electronics implanted in the flesh. The quality of the ink is also very important - the colors should be as vivid and realistic as possible, and in no case dull or faded.

Tip: contact only trusted masters who have works in this style in their portfolio. It is better to choose exactly those who specialize in biomechanics and who have extensive experience in this area.

Biomechanics tattoo on guy's arm

Did you know? There are no two identical biomechanical tattoos! Usually, tattoo elements are so small that even similar-looking sketches are different. This is great: instead of developing an individual sketch with the master, you just need to make the desired changes to an existing one.

My first attempt to make a biomech tattoo was extremely unsuccessful: either the master was not very good, or something else, but it did not look very impressive, and the effect did not work at all. Thank God she was small: plugs as if for headphones behind the ear. Now I finally found for myself a master who specializes in tattoos in this particular style, he has tremendous experience and he has already done tattoos to my friends - they look really very impressive! Now I plan to make myself a sleeve, a terminator's arm)

Oleg, Pyatigorsk

Biomechanics at the initial stage of tattooing

Who chooses biomechanical tattoos?

There are no hidden symbols, meanings and the like in this tattoo style: biomechanical style tattoos exist solely for beauty. Usually they are liked by those people who are fond of science fiction and science fiction, books and films in the Sci Fi genre. Despite the fact that it may seem that it is exclusively male look tattoos, in fact, not at all: many girls also get tattoos in this style, and they only once again emphasize girlish tenderness and femininity.

Biomechanical shoulder tattoo

Since childhood, I loved films about space and dreamed of being a robot, like those that we can see in Star Wars. I don’t know, I see a special romance in this, and, as far as I know, I’m not alone. I got myself a biomechanical tattoo on my shoulder: there I have a picture of lightning, and under it, as if microcircuits, wires and all sorts of pieces of iron instead of muscles. Mom, of course, is still terrified, but my dad really likes it. True, he always wanted a boy) I don't think this is my last tattoo in this style, I have a lot more in my plans!

Polina, Moscow

Video: examples of biomechanical tattoos

Tattoo sketches biomechanics

Emphasizes modern development society. The world has become impossible without sophisticated gadgets and technology. The popularity of this type of tattoos is due to the fact that it shows the infinity of human capabilities. Images in this category are traditionally considered masculine, but there are exceptions. Some girls are happy to select beautiful and feminine sketches for themselves.

History of origin

Biomechanical tattoos, or as they are also called, simply mechanics, began to appear in the 80s. This was due to the growth in the development of technology. The original sketches were not very expressive and were done in black and white or smoky gray. In the future, this type of image has undergone a number of changes, for example, the drawings themselves have become more sophisticated, and many of them have become colored. They also add all sorts of details, which adds volume to the tattoo.

Hans Giger, who became famous for his shocking works, played a large role in the development of biomechanics as an art style. Mechanic tattoos, photos of which are often breathtaking, are based on Giger's drawings. On them, people, regardless of gender, were a synthesis of man and machine. A distinctive feature of his work is the presence of metal plates, pipes and wires implanted into living bodies.

Mechanic tattoo with inscription on the forearm

Distinctive features of a mechanic style tattoo

Often, this style implies an image associated with the germination of mechanisms from human flesh. In modern tattoos, it is the living part that is separately drawn: muscles, blood vessels, tendons. While in the 80s the emphasis was only on mechanisms. Now you can meet different variants what happened to the skin and muscles. Bloody edges of flesh, or charred skin may be depicted. There are also tattoos in which the image of the bone smoothly turns into a metal frame.

Mechanic-style sleeve

Important! Hans Giger, considered the progenitor of the mechanic style, is also involved in the cult 1979 film Alien. He created a number of costumes, and it was he who owns the design idea appearance aliens. Tattoo mechanics, the meaning of which is different depending on the type, originates directly from the films "Chukhoi" and "Terminator", when "Steel" muscles became fashionable.

Dreamcatcher tattoo in mechanic style

Where is the best place to get a biomechanical tattoo?

A tattoo in this style only looks good when it occupies a large area of ​​the body. Therefore, it is preferable to prick it on the arms, legs or chest:

  • tattoo on the shoulder. This arrangement gives the image additional expressiveness due to the relief of the muscles;
  • drawing on the forearm. Place the tattoo of the mechanic, the sketch of which is supposed to be placed on the forearm, from the inside. The location from the hand to the elbow or shoulder joint is also popular. This pattern looks great due to the fact that the hands are often in motion;
  • tattoo on the lower leg. This is the most typical male version of this type of pattern. The emphasis is placed on the bare protruding bone, belted with wires and screws.
  • image on the thigh. Looks softer than the previous version, it can also be hidden under clothes. Often chosen by women.
  • Biomechanics tattoo on the chest. The location is chosen in the region of the heart, emphasizing that it is made of metal. There is also another option for decoding such an image - a love of technology.

Biomechanical tattoo under the skin

The meaning of a mechanic tattoo

Each tattoo carries its own special meaning, images in the style of a mechanic are no exception. We can assume that all tattoos depicting a synthesis of technology and a person have a common meaning: the unity of the living and the inanimate, the victory of man over technology... There is also an opinion that such images symbolize human capabilities, his enormous potential... But in the end it all comes down to the fact that the meaning of a tattoo depends on the details: on the location of the elements, color solutions etc.

Mechanic tattoo on shoulder

I wanted to get a tattoo in the style of biomechanics for a long time. And then an opportunity turned up. The sketch was suggested by the master, I completely liked it. They began to stuff on the leg, from the knee to the foot. The image is sharp, with many small details such as gears, wires, and torn skin. I didn't put any special meaning, it just looks cool.

Victor, Arkhangelsk.

Mechanic tattoo on chest and shoulder

Biomechanical tattoo. Female version

As already specified, not all girls are ready to take a large area of ​​the body with a tattoo. And the image of metal, robots and torn flesh is somehow more inherent in men. However, many girls dispel this stereotype.

It is interesting. Many people complement traditional tattoo elements with various details. So, you can find an image in the style of biomechanics, which also depicts plants, herbs, insects. It is likely that such an approach will soon lead to the creation of a new style based on the combination of not only humans and robots, but also wildlife.

Mechanic chest tattoo - pistons in action

Girls choose sketches containing a large number of rounded, flowing elements that give the tattoo a feminine touch. Also popular among women is the location of the tattoo on the side, revealing the ribs with wires and tubes intertwined between them. also in women tattoos traditionally add more colors, color schemes to give them more femininity.

One of the geniuses of biomechanics is Nikolai Bernstein. He is a Soviet scientist who devoted himself to the physiology of movements. Bernstein studied them on the basis of models and methods of mechanics. The connection of the mechanical with living matter gave birth to a new science.

Her ideas came from scientific laboratories to artistic ones. As a result, there were films "Alien", "Terminator", paintings by Denis Mezintsev. The motives of the fusion of the living and the mechanical are also used by the masters tattoo. Biomechanics- not only a spectacular art form, but also filled with deep meaning. Let's talk about the implications of wearable drawings.

The meaning of tattoo biomechanics

Biomechanical tattoo makes iron people out of ordinary people. Metal elements are drawn. They are associated with strength, steadfastness.

Connecting with living tissues, bolts and gears make it clear to others that the carrier is a strong, rational person. Do you think, is not a current flowing through the veins of this person instead of blood?

Biomechanics - tattoos, sketches which are aimed at creating the image of a cyborg. It is borrowed from both science fiction films and fairy tales.

For example, Ellie's Iron Man is a prime example of the fusion of living tissue with metal. A hot heart beats in the hero's chest. Its rhythm makes you cry. They flow over the iron, and it rusts. As seen, biomechanics - tattoo, photo which can speak not only of strength, but also of vulnerability.

Most biomechanical sketches open up the skin, revealing the inner contents. It is partly fantasized. The tendons are bolted together. The heart is driven by gears. A dagger is hidden under the ribs of the sternum. Subconsciously, all this is perceived as something alien, unnatural.

That's why, tattoo "Biomechanics" on the arm, back, head, can cause rejection. For some believers, for example, paintings are a mockery of the will of God. The Creator created man as he is. Why change your identity?

Have a philosophical meaning "Biomechanics" tattoo on the shoulder, and not only, comparing a person, for example, with a musical instrument. Imagine: - the skin is torn into rags, underneath are guitar strings. Metal wire is woven into living tissue.

Looking at the picture, you understand that you see the vulnerable, creative person... Like a musical instrument, it requires respectful attitude... It is necessary to tune the sound, do not leave the "guitar" in the cold. Only then will marvelous melodies flow from the "instrument".

The image of a bomb implanted in a person is also philosophical. The timer is counting down. It can be a symbol of hidden aggression. The tattoo hints that calm Ivan, or Peter, is one day capable of "exploding", that passions are seething in a person's soul.

A bomb inside the body can also be a sign of imminent death. Each of us has a timer and, as they say, only God knows when the contacts will close.

History of tattoo biomechanics

Tattoo "Biomechanics" - catalog collected only for several decades. The first genres were made in the 80s of the last century in the USA. The same country released the film Alien. R. Giger became the illustrator of the picture.

It was he who developed the image of the space monster, and it was his sketches that inspired the tattoo artists. They decided that they could reflect this on human bodies and they did not lose. Thousands of people came to the salons to become like the heroes of fantastic films.

Modern face tattoo "Biomechanics" - photo with 3D effect. Three-dimensional graphics emphasize the hyperrealism of the drawings. The slogan of the direction was also formed: - "Look what I have inside." But, you can look at the inner world of modern people from different angles. Over time, biomechanics has split into several styles. Consider the features.

Biomechanical tattoo styles

Biomechanics tattoo on the leg, hand, or torso with the image of clockwork details are called klokwork. Direction sketches raise the theme of time. This is one of the few matters beyond the control of man. People themselves are like clockwork. The reminder in the form of tattoos makes you appreciate every moment of life.

Steampunk is also a biomechanical style. It includes sketches depicting civilizations based on mechanics and, in particular, the steam engine. Many paintings do not so much modernize the human body as cover it with images of Martians and other fantastic creatures.

Some experts consider biomechanics and new school tattoos. Cybermatics fits into the framework of the direction, since the new school is called upon to keep up with the times. Old school headpieces reflect everything modern, innovative. The fusion of flesh and metal is just one of the themes for creativity.

Specialization of tattoo biomechanics

The direction is focused on tattoo for men. Biomechanics based on the image of metal elements, mechanisms in the human body. They look rude. The color scheme is not romantic either. Shades of metals are respected.

Basically, this is a gray-black scale. As a result, the pictures look brutal, sharp. Such characteristics are not to the liking of most girls. They prefer delicate tones, the presence of feminine elements in the headwear - flowers, birds of paradise, hearts.

There is still a corset. This is the only maiden symbol that fits into the framework of biomechanics. One of the main techniques for direction is drawing torn flesh. If you pull it off with lacing, you get an elegant and thoughtful plot. For example, the corset is fastened on the back.

There is a gap that opens the spine. It is depicted in the form of rails. This suggests that the spine is the body's main transport route, its foundation. Scientists agree with this. They argue that the condition of the pillar directly affects the functioning of all organs.

It is impossible to understand from the tattoo in what state the human spine is. But, you can evaluate how his fantasy functions. Those who opt for biomechanical tattoos tend to be rugged. Direction tattoos are requested by creative, extraordinary people. They are dreamers, whoever they are, women or men.

The word comes from "bio" - life and "mechanics" - the art of building machines. Biomech is a combination of torn human flesh and a mechanism peeking through it. All elements are depicted thoroughly and as realistically as possible in order to create the impression that in front of you is not a person, but a cyborg. Then we talk about the features of the style and how to choose the right master. Forward!

When style appeared

Biomechanics is a reflection of how the masters were inspired by the work of Hans Rudolf Giger. The Swiss artist created paintings in the style of fantastic realism and was the designer of the cult film Alien. Yes, it was he who came up with the creepy appearance of the aliens - and then the whole world became a fan of the unusual style.

This is how a separate direction appeared in tattoo art - biomechanics. Torn flesh, complex mechanical details, absolute realism ... The craftsmen draw every gear, every piece of bone - it seems that a person really has a bionic arm or an iron leg.

Where to get a biomechanical tattoo


Most often, the shoulders are chosen for biomech - the relief of the biceps is emphasized, the arms are constantly in motion, the tattoo is "playing".


The body is a serious application: there is a lot of space, it is better to use it to the maximum. A great reason to create a masterpiece!

The front often depicts a heart that works thanks to mechanisms. The spine is outlined on the back (be careful, this is very painful!), And instead of organs, metal inserts are made. Not everyone has a wild imagination, consult with the master - he will tell you how and what to draw on the sketch.


Women often emphasize the muscles of the thighs with biomechanics, men - the calves. But there are no gender restrictions in a tattoo, the main thing is desire and a professional master :)

How to choose a master for biomechanics

    The master should know the peculiarities of the skin: how to create a three-dimensional pattern on it, how to apply shadows and mix colors. Beginners can't handle complex biomechanics.

    Uniform style.
    When a master works in the same style, he fills his hand every time. If today he makes inscriptions, tomorrow he draws graphic lines, and after a week he tries to realism, something good rarely turns out. Look for a master who has long specialized in biomechanics.